Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Hope you all are well.
Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jules and Ty Ty

When they stand like this Jules, Tyler's cousin looks bigger and she should be because she is 5 weeks older, but she isstill smaller. What a little cutie she is though. Tyler LOVES playing with her and they even love fighting together too. What is fun about these two is that they laugh so hard at eachother and we all have no idea what it is that is so funny.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hanging out at Debbie's

Ty has apparently figured out how to drive. I am alittle concerned that he will ask me for the keys and want to go play at all his friends houses. What am I going to do? He is not even potty trained and he is this smart!

Ty playing around!

This air hockey table is in the school age room at my work. Tyler wanted to go say goodbye to one of the teachers so we went into the class and he found the table and wanted to play. He couldn't quite figure out how he had to use the hand thingie. He just wanted to catch the puck in his hand, which he did many times.