Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Hope you all are well.
Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jules and Ty Ty

When they stand like this Jules, Tyler's cousin looks bigger and she should be because she is 5 weeks older, but she isstill smaller. What a little cutie she is though. Tyler LOVES playing with her and they even love fighting together too. What is fun about these two is that they laugh so hard at eachother and we all have no idea what it is that is so funny.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hanging out at Debbie's

Ty has apparently figured out how to drive. I am alittle concerned that he will ask me for the keys and want to go play at all his friends houses. What am I going to do? He is not even potty trained and he is this smart!

Ty playing around!

This air hockey table is in the school age room at my work. Tyler wanted to go say goodbye to one of the teachers so we went into the class and he found the table and wanted to play. He couldn't quite figure out how he had to use the hand thingie. He just wanted to catch the puck in his hand, which he did many times.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Random pictures

My Tyler rolled off the bed and he was so tired that he didn't even notice. He was exhausted from hanging out with his cousins. What a cute little man.
This is how you are supposed to wear a swimmers pullup. Tyler has known about it and he now wants to show everyone else in case they were confused.
So I left to go to Sunny's house to pick up something and when I came back to my parents house everyone stopped me at the door and said that they could not believe what happened while I was gone. Tyler decided to attack a box of kleenex. Jules is watching from the side. I was wondering how he could do this with five adults at home at the same time. I leave for 15 minutes and this is how much damage he created.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tyler's new bike

Tyler got this new bike for his birthday. He was so excited and it took him a few minutes to realize that he could eat and sleep in it. We eventually had to put it in the car to take it home.
He wanted to just take off and play. It was cold outside and I was ready to go to bed after a long day. My baby boy is two, it is getting so fun with him talking so much!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Tyler celebrated his second birthday last Saturday. It was fun to have a good group of kids to hang out with Tyler. Cousins and friends were there to play. Tyler loved the cake that Grandma Diane got.
Tyler and Jules hanging out on the carousel at the mall.
I thought that this was stinkin' cute. Morgan was with us too but I wanted to get a picture of Tyler and Jules holding hands with Rian. Booga of course is marching to the beat of her OWN drum ahead of the others.
Recently I was able to work in the same classroom as Tyler . He didn't care so much because it was on his own turf but we will see what happens in a few months when he is in my class. He will probably not be so happy that he has to share me with all the other kids too. It was nice to see him so independent in his room though. This is also the shirt that one of his auntie's bought him. It fits him and he LOVES it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

This is too funny. The other day Tyler figured out how to turn his bedroom light on. What he couldn't do was reach the switch once it was up to turn the light off. So he grabbed a roll of cross stitch material and laid it on the floor then stepped on it. Because MAGICALLY it would make him tall enough to reach it. I was laughing so hard. I called Karl over and tried to get Ty to do it again and once he knew that it was funny he wouldn't do it again. The things that Toddlers think of are hilarious!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is some serious business

Tyler has discovered pudding. He LOVES it. Mostly because his momma bought it and is cutting herself off of chocolate until October 22. He smeared the pudding everywhere and then I took the cup away from him and this is the look that he gave me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Julian's 2nd Birthday

Tyler and momma playing on the tires.
Tyler and daddy playing on the monkey bars.
This was a cool bell chime thing. You just hit the bells and it made the sounds. Tyler loved it.
The big babies waiting for cake.
Julian Mackenzie Davis was born September 15, 2007. Just 6 weeks older than Tyler. She is one talkative little girl and we love her so much. Tyler will be turning 2 later this month. Happy Birthday big girl!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer fun

This is Ty's belly, in case any of you have not been introduced.

Tyler doing his chores, making a mess of the diapers.

Last weekend we went to Seattle on the lightrail. Tyler had fun running around downtown but I think he enjoyed the ride the best.
Tyler and daddy having a man bonding moment. Tyler wasn't so sure at times what to think about the ride but dad was there to calm him down.
Tyler was totally excited about the day. We went to Seattle to go check out the sounders section at the official store. Nothing to exciting but we did score some awesome cheesecake. Thank you again Aunt Rachel. Momma had the red velvet cake cheesecake with cream cheese frosting and dad got an oreo cheesecake. YUMMM.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Tyler wisdom

Your Uncles sunglasses make you cool. (No autographs please)
When you like something show your enthusiasm. (Clapping and screaming is a must.)
Learn to hold your sippy cup like so. (It frees up your hands to play.)
Dance in someone elses shoes, mom doesn't mind. (Helps you to stay balanced.)
Shoulders are made for sitting on!

Tyler has become so talkative and animated. He has made mommy and daddy so shocked as to what he can say. We are so lucky to have him!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Booga's 5th Birthday Party

Tyler taking a swing at the pinata.
Look at that cute little belly sticking out of his pj's!
I can't believe the Booga is 5 and old enough to go to Kindergarten! Happy Birthday Booga!
This is my favorite picture of the evening. I caught the boys at the perfect time. Tyler was cheering on the older kids breaking open the pinata and later got cake and ice cream. I am glad that he is getting old enough to enjoy the things that the bigger kids are doing.

Visiting Daryl, Rachel and Avery

Tyler loves the stairs at Daryl and Rachel's house, he had fun going up and down them trying to find Mr Fox and Leela.
This is the Avery. She was very much excited to see us. She has grown so much, but still has alot of catching up to do.
How crazy is this picture????? Tyler is alittle over a year older than Avery and he looks HUGE compared to her. I am glad that she hasn't grown so big like Tyler. Its nice to enjoy the babies when they are still small in size. Tyler just went from newborn to big boy in a very short time.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cougar Mountain Zoo!!!!

This was was the excitement of the day. Baby tigers that are being acclimated to being in a zoo. They are newly born and will be on display after July 22. Oh yeah we will go see our new pets!!!
This was my Mr T when we got to the zoo. We had a busy night and he was tired so we hoped that he would wake up, but enjoyed the nap he was taking too.
This is my next pet. Momma says YES!!! but Daddy is allergic...darnit.

OK fine... if I can't have the cougar I will take the tiger. He is only two, thats the same as me right?
This is me feeding some hairy animal, grandma gave me some apples to give the very tall dog or very small horse. Can't remember what its called.
Tyler was asked to touch the alligator and its a good thing it was only a statue. He poked the eye of that alligator in the eye and laughed. He had so much fun running around the quaint little zoo. I really enjoyed it because the animals were up close.
Thank you again Grandma Diane for the visit at the Zoo... It was so much fun.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tyler Pics

My new favorite picture of Tyler. Ty was scared of the boom booms on the fourth of July.
Tyler watching the kids jump on the trampoline.
I love this look.... He is saying "what do you want mom, I'm busy."
Waiting for his daddy, Tyler wanted to climb a rock. He is getting so big.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My little man is 20 months old

Ty is going to be just like his Uncle Christoffer. He loves his milk.
Ty doing air guitar.
Tyler attempting to do the sign for weezer.
Our little man is now a jumping, running, laughing, talking 20 month old. He points out babies everywhere we go. Maybe he is hinting that we need a baby in our family. Karl says our babies don't stay small very long, but it would be fun to have another one. Tyler and daddy went for a walk today. Karl said he walked the whole time. It is nice that we can do more things with him now that heis more independent. I don't know what I am going to do when we don't count how old he is by month any more. I am sure he will be keeping us plenty busy.