Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Tyler and the Christmas Tree. He got the rocking chair he is sitting on for Christmas.

This is the Tractor that he got from Aunt Debbie and Uncle Kent.

Tyler's festive bouncy ball from Aunt Rachel and Uncle Daryl.

This is his own telephone. We are hoping he will start using this one instead of making phone calls on mommy and daddy's cell phones!

Tyler got this rocking chair for Christmas. He saw it first and didn't really care about the presents under the tree because he couldn't see what all the cool stuff was. We really enjoyed this year, watching Tyler get all excited for his new toys. He also got a guitar that he puts on his shoulder so he can get the FULL effect of the sound coming out. I haven't gotten a picture of it yet but when I do you will all get to see it on here.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Day Fun

Tyler loves playing in the snow. He was having so much fun falling in it.

This is my boys walking in the snow. They are two peas in a pod.

Tyler has had a busy day of making messes and playing outside. Its time for bed.

Good night.

playing in the snow

Tyler walking around in the freshly fallen snow.

He reminds me of the kid on A Christmas Story.
Recovering from a fall.
My crazy boy crawling in the snow.

Walking around with daddy. He didn't know what to think of it. Once he got going he wanted to run around everywhere. I enjoyed the snow on Thursday and now we are going to have to take more pictures of todays snow.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Party Continues

Right before we were leaving, Uncle Daryl was getting showered by Tyler kissing him on the cheek. Tyler knows who his Uncle Daryl is and all three boys are so fun together. Tyler wants to be with the big boys all the time.
We do an elephant gift exchange every year and this year this bag caught Tyler's eye. Grandma Diane brought it and when you push the button on it , the bag blinks and it plays a song. Tyler was rocking out to it through out the night and it kept him busy.
Tyler checking out the magical bag!

Tyler's new Talent!!!

With the snow days we have been having, Karl stayed home on Thursday and he began teaching Tyler to put one finger up when people ask him how old he is. Today was the first day that we caught it on camera. Grandma Diane asked him how old he is and showed her. My big boy is so cute.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just hanging out

My son is a goof ball. He has figured out how to climb into laundry baskets and he will grab any cloth, including his Daddy's sock and put it in his mouth.
We went to Applebee's for dinner last weekend, just our little family. Things have been so stressful with Tyler's hand. It was nice to see my little man so happy and playful again. I love this smile and I am so glad we caught it on camera.
Yesterday Tyler and I were driving to pick up Karl. Every once in a while I would catch Tyler with his arms up in the air. It took me a minute to realize that he was doing the touchdown sign. Once I parked the car, I grabbed the camera and took pictures of him doing different poses. Does Tyler look like he loves the camera? I think so.
This is Tyler telling his side of the story. You can sort of see his hand in this picture, I think it looks more red in this picture because it was cold outside. He is using it more and it doesn't see to bother him any more.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Burn Update

Karl says that the pictures that we took from Tyler's dr appointment were too gross to put on here. The burn specialists broke the blisters and rebandaged him and during the process he got his very first sucker! He was loving it. Except for the fact that its the safety ones with the paper stick that can so SO easily go completely into my sons mouth. Today was his very first day with no tylenol and he didn't fuss at all until Grandma Nancy helped momma put on the new bandage.