Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fun at the Park

Chasing after his truck
Pushing his truck through the "sandal".
Looking for rocks in the "sandal"
This is my most favorite picture of that night.... We went to the park with Nama Diane, so we brought his scoops and truck and shovels.... This boy was in HEAVEN!!!! He loved it and even if you tried he will still tell you its not sand its "sandal" and he loves it. I love my boys and they are my world!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My money boy

This is Tyler's piggy bank
This is how he get the monies.....from mommy and daddy's stash of change
He loves to play with the money... Now we hope he doesn't decide to eat it or at least put any in his mouth!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our Saturday Night

Tyler writing his name on the etch-a-sketch
Tyler doing his hair
Momma doing his hair
Playing legos with daddy
The funniest thing, he was terrified of the vacuum when he was younger. Now he helps push it and he feels better about it.
I love being a mom. He makes it worth it!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

By popular Demand!!!

Crashed out at Nama and Poppi's house
Love riding bikes!!!
Always the entertainer.
Going for a ride..please ignore the mess behind us.