Thursday, June 25, 2009

My little man is 20 months old

Ty is going to be just like his Uncle Christoffer. He loves his milk.
Ty doing air guitar.
Tyler attempting to do the sign for weezer.
Our little man is now a jumping, running, laughing, talking 20 month old. He points out babies everywhere we go. Maybe he is hinting that we need a baby in our family. Karl says our babies don't stay small very long, but it would be fun to have another one. Tyler and daddy went for a walk today. Karl said he walked the whole time. It is nice that we can do more things with him now that heis more independent. I don't know what I am going to do when we don't count how old he is by month any more. I am sure he will be keeping us plenty busy.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

He is such a great little guy. No, they don't stay babies long. It is nice when they start talking and being able to do things for themselves.