Ty ty on the horse outside the XXX Root Beer Restraunt in Issaquah, Wa...
We go there every once in a while, as you can see ty ty has a gum ball in his mouth, he gets one any chance he can....

Ty ty showing off his muscles at our favorite little Cougar Mountain Zoo.... He gets to run around the zoo mostly on his own, his favorite thing to do is feed the animals cut up apples.

When I was little going to a mall was boring, yes there was stores there with stuff you could buy but there was nothing else besides that.... Now kids can go to the mall and ride on a carousel or play in the play area, jump on the"jumping bean"... it amazes me!

We have enjoyed the indoor activities but we hopped on the chance to go to the park when there was sunshine ( the wind was still so cold!). Ty ty had a blast playing, we only lasted about 20 minutes tops.... We will see what the month of April brings us!