This is Tyler after his first Christmas. We went to Aunt Debbie's house for Christmas Eve and Tyler was very fussy, he gets gassy at night and we forgot his medicine to help his poor tummy. This morning we woke up and opened presents from Grandma Diane and then checked out our stockings. We went to Daryl and Rachel's house for breakfast and then we had to race back home for Christmas with Debbie and Joey and the girls. All in all Tyler got spoiled which was well deserved and he pooped himself out in all the excitement.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
This is Tyler after his first Christmas. We went to Aunt Debbie's house for Christmas Eve and Tyler was very fussy, he gets gassy at night and we forgot his medicine to help his poor tummy. This morning we woke up and opened presents from Grandma Diane and then checked out our stockings. We went to Daryl and Rachel's house for breakfast and then we had to race back home for Christmas with Debbie and Joey and the girls. All in all Tyler got spoiled which was well deserved and he pooped himself out in all the excitement.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tyler with Santa
Merry Christmas Everyone
Grandma Diane wanted to have pictures done for Tyler with Santa. Mommy and Tyler waited in line for an hour and a half yesterday to get his pictures done, and we got them just in time Santa went to lunch ten minutes after we got our picture taken. Tyler didn't want to wake up for the picture, it turned out great anyway.
Grandma Diane wanted to have pictures done for Tyler with Santa. Mommy and Tyler waited in line for an hour and a half yesterday to get his pictures done, and we got them just in time Santa went to lunch ten minutes after we got our picture taken. Tyler didn't want to wake up for the picture, it turned out great anyway.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tyler's getting big
Tyler has found his thumb! Its so cute. We caught him in enough time to take a picture. He still searches for it here and there, which makes him a little upset when he can't find it.
He is seven weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it. There are times when I am holding him that he seems to be only minutes old and there are other times where its seems he has been here forever.
This other picture on here is what we call the cookie monster outfit. Grandma Nancy found this and we use it only those really cold days. It comes in handy.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tough day
Today Tyler was giving the bottle for the first time. It was so hard I had to leave the room, Karyl gave him the bottle. He cried for a good ten minutes before he drank the formula. I am going back to work in Jan so Tyler's doctor said to start the bottle as soon as possible.
At Tyler's appointment today he was weighed and he now weighs four ounces less than my niece who was born five weeks earlier and he is as long as my niece too. So he weighed in at 11 lbs and he is 23 inches long.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Busy times
Ok so when this blog was started it was in reference to Tyler writing it. I can't do that anymore and I can write better if I just say whats been going on.
On Thanskgiving we went to Daryl and Rachel's house. It was a relaxing day, Daryl and Karyl thought about how to raise up the couches. Tyler slept pretty good up until it was time to eat. Then it was his turn also. We all got stuffed and Tyler got lots of loves from everyone there. The pictures that are up above are a family picture on Tylers first Thanksgiving, Tyler in his Thanksgiving outfit and Tyler at one month. He is getting so big. He has an appointment on Thursday so we will see how big he is getting. He is staying awake longer during the day and sleeping more at night.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Getting big!!
Yesterday while Mommy was changing my diaper I rolled onto my side. I don't think I knew what I was doing but Mom was very excited. I must be growing because I like to eat all the time. I have the hiccups at least once a day.
Tomorrow I will be four weeks old. For Thanksgiving we are going to Uncle Daryls house, too bad I can't have my own scoop of mashed potatoes.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Three weeks old
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Two weeks old
Monday, November 5, 2007
12 days old

I had a busy weekend. Friday night we all went up to Aunt Debbie's house and visited with my cousins. Payton, who is three, says that she is pregnant with a baby boy who's name is Tyler too.. it confuses me sometimes because I don't know if she is talking about me or her own baby.
My dad worked on Saturday morning and then he came home and played with me!! I was confused for awhile because my schedule was mixed up a bit. Mommy and Daddy took me grocery shopping for the first time and there was alot of people there, but I just slept through it.
After we went shopping we went to Aunt Sunny's house to go visit Cooper and Logan. Logan was born on Christmas Eve last year and still doesn't know what to think of me so my dad played with him while Aunt Sunny held me. That made me exhausted by the time we got home!!!
Mom and Dad took me to church on Sunday, lots of people said hi to me but I didn't stay at church very long. When mom and I got home Aunt Debbie came over with my cousin Julian. She cries and I just sleep through it, I take turns with her. I relaxed with Mommy and Daddy for the rest of the evening.
Its now Monday morning and things have seemed to calm down so Mom took more pictures of me sleeping. Does anyone else see the logic in that? I thought I was supposed to be awake!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Eight days old!!!
I'm eight days old today. I decided to let mom rest so I let her sleep for three hours straight. I went to the dr two days ago and I have grown an inch and gained three ounces. I like to cuddle with anyone who will hold me. I don't like to get my diaper changed so I try to pee when mommy or daddy change my diaper.
And you can tell from my cameo that I don't like baths!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Dad and Me
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I finally made it here!
I was delivered today at 8:05am via c-section. I'm healthy and happy. I weigh in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and am 20 inches long, though the docs say I might lose a bit of weight this week.
If you'd like to see more pics of my beautiful self, click here.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
I will arrive soon...
... and begin blogging. Now, I'm still wrapped up in my mother, but it is getting cramped in here. As soon as i get out, i'll post some pics of myself.
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