Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tylers First Halloween Party

Tyler always finds a ball to play with.

Saying hi to Daddy.

Loves playing with the balloons.

Having fun with Mommy.

We went out to Jennifers house for Tylers first Halloween Party. Tyler had so much fun playing with everyone. We watched the kids play fun games and Tyler of course wanted to get right into the thick of it. He did help me decorate a cookie and then he saw the frosting jar and he wanted to eat it all (I don't know who he would he that from). He did get very adventerous and he climbed up the stairs and I didn't know it til I heard him fall down a few steps. He got over it quickly and wanted to climb them again. My baby is growing up.


Elizabeth said...

What a cute pumpkin! He sure is growing up! Hope he has a good birthday!

twiddyfam said...

He sure is a cutie! I hope he starts feeling better before his B-day.