This was was the excitement of the day. Baby tigers that are being acclimated to being in a zoo. They are newly born and will be on display after July 22. Oh yeah we will go see our new pets!!!

This was my Mr T when we got to the zoo. We had a busy night and he was tired so we hoped that he would wake up, but enjoyed the nap he was taking too.

This is my next pet. Momma says YES!!! but Daddy is allergic...darnit.

OK fine... if I can't have the cougar I will take the tiger. He is only two, thats the same as me right?

This is me feeding some hairy animal, grandma gave me some apples to give the very tall dog or very small horse. Can't remember what its called.

Tyler was asked to touch the alligator and its a good thing it was only a statue. He poked the eye of that alligator in the eye and laughed. He had so much fun running around the quaint little zoo. I really enjoyed it because the animals were up close.
Thank you again Grandma Diane for the visit at the Zoo... It was so much fun.