Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Goofy Boy

My son climbed on top of the chair and sat there for awhile and then I turn around and this is what I see.
Tyler was going for daddy's soda can when he first climbed on to the chair.
We were laughing more towards the end because he was so determined to get what he wanted. Crazy boy!

What am I going to do with this boy! At school he is doing the same thing. He has gotten into time out for this. He still thinks this is funny. I know I am not helping by taking pictures of him climbing but its like eating a cookie while I'm dieting, at the moment it was worth the sacrifice.


twiddyfam said...

It looks as though you cleaned off your table! YEH Time to party on the table!

Parkin Family said...

Isn't it fun now that he can climb on the table?! It was so nice when they couldn't climb. I can't keep Sydney off the chairs. I'm waiting for the day that she climbs out of the crib!