Thursday, May 28, 2009

My 19 month old little MAN!!!

This is my little man, I tried to write a poem about him but it was too hard for my little brain. In the past while we have figured out that he is sensitive to tomatoes, he ends up breaking out in a rash when tomatoes touch his skin. He is talking SO much. He said milk today it came out as "MOAK!!!!". He dropped his sippy cup in the van on the way to pick up Karl. It was cute but the screaming in between wasn't so cute. If you ask him a question he says yes to everything, unless he absolutely doesn't not like what it is you ask him.
Tyler is 19 months old and he will soon move up into the toddler classroom at work, which they put him on the potty every two hours. In preparation to this we have bought him a potty seat insert that he has learned to sit on. When he was younger and we asked him to poop he would do it on command. We were hoping that we might get lucky enough for him to just do it on the potty seat but once we got him sitting on it, he just laughed.
He loves riding the horse at my parents house and has enjoyed the warm weather we have been having so that we could go for walks. He likes to grab at the weeds on the side of the sidewalk and laughs as it tickles his chin. He is already playing on the computer. I don't mind it so much because he is always going to be around them and I would rather he learn how to use it the right way than not at all.
Whenever I get off the phone with someone he screams "BYYYEEEEEE." SO if you ever call me just tell me you want to hear him say it and stay on the line as if we just hung up.
We are so lucky to have him.

1 comment:

Daryl said...

Yeah the tomato allegery comes from the Otte family. Grandpa Otte had it, and Uncle Darrell Has it as well.