Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tyler opening presents.

Tyler with mommy and daddy.

Getting ready to blow out his candle.

The birthday cake.

I can't figure out why the pictures are coming on here backwards...grr..... Anyway this is a picture of the game we played with the kids. They had to eat the marshmellow without any hands and they all had a blast. I didn't think about how short the kids would be so we all had to hold the kids up so they could even reach them. Tyler had so much fun at Aunt Rachel and Uncle Daryls house for his birthday. We had the grandmas and even Tylers great grandma there, along with lots of kids. Superwoman took all the pictures (thank you) and her boys had a blast. Tyler got spoiled with electronic toys and clothes. He played with his toys (too much sugar) until mommy and daddy were too tired to keep going and then he crashed. Tomorrow is his 1 year dr appointment and he is getting shots. Poor boy. Thank you to EVERYONE for your birthday wishes and help at the party. It was great.

1 comment:

twiddyfam said...

We did have alot of fun!And I'm glad I was able to help take pictures of your little man celebrate his birthday.